All posts tagged: Pharmacy

Working from Home & Undecided

Took a day off work today to work from home :/ Most days, it’s just too crazy at work to actually get anything important done… of course I get plenty done, but it’s the balance of what is urgent/not urgent and important/not important that they always talk about in time management. Sometimes I get too bogged down with the small stuff that is urgent but not important. These things are easy to get done and push through, but they’re not necessarily what I should be dedicating my time to. BUT, it always seems that these things are of utmost importance to other people, so they push you to get them done. Well some days… like today… I just have to run away from the small stuff to be able to focus on the bigger, more important stuff… as is the case today with P&T (Pharmacy & Therapeutics… it’s the committee I run that determines what we add to the formulary, what we take off, approval of authorized drug lists for the clinic, contract compliance and …

I’m turning 29! What!?!

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday! I’m not sure what happened there. I was at work the other day discussing my/our birthday (me, one of my techs, and one of our volunteers all have a June 29th birthday… best day ever to be born!)… and very nonchalantly I mentioned something along the lines of “I can’t believe I’m turning 28!” Eeeek! I thought it would at least be a little bit longer until I genuinely started forgetting my own age. But apparently it’s happening… now! I got home that day and mentioned something about it to Danny. He then proceeded to break the news to me, although not all that gently. I am, in fact, turning 29. It’s awesome nonetheless. I love my b-day no matter what number is associated with it (ask me about that in 11 years… that opinion may change…). But I can’t even begin to say how excited I am about 29. It’s going to be a big year. Moving back to California… starting a new job… moving into a home with …

I have the best coworkers… just sayin’

“These are for the Captain” was all I heard behind me. I turned around to see these being handed through the pharmacy window: My techs know that I’ve been worn down lately. After taking over as Flight Commander almost two months ago, it’s been one thing after another and I’ve been averaging 11-13 hour work days plus weekends. We’re getting everything together, and it shouldn’t stay like this forever, but for now it’s busy. Very busy. But this was such an unexpected surprise… I almost started crying right then and there. I’ve been truly blessed (can I say blessed if I’m not religious?) to be working with such a great group of people. We may have our ups and downs in the workplace, but at the end of the day everyone really cares about one another. And with that I really couldn’t ask for more! So I set the flowers by my checking station and got to smell them the rest of the day. Count a narc… smell the flowers… check a dose… smell the …

Life Updates

So as you may or may not know, I was supposed to be on a ship right now traveling around Central America on my humanitarian deployment… but that got officially cancelled almost a month ago. And what have I done since then? I really couldn’t tell you! Time has been flying by like crazy! Work has been insane and I constantly feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water. One thing I know is that I finally retired my little ’96 Nissan for a new-to-me ’13 Ford Edge, and I am loving it! I loved my little pink car, but it was time to move on. And although I am now getting half the MPG I was before (filled up my new car for the first time this week and it was painful watching the $$ go up and up…), but it’s alright. It’s worth it for the incredible jump in safety and comfort I now have. Anyway, what else is new?! Danny and I decided to adopt Finn, our 7th …