Month: February 2015


Happenings | Zoe caught and killed her first gopher. :/ In our house, we call them “ground kitties”. They are all over our backyard and the pups love to run and dig after them. I’m afraid it’s turning into a grotesque version of whac-a-mole :/ Also finally broke down and got a new phone… I got the Moto X… it’s pink and white and no short of amazing. That means I can stop stealing Danny’s phone to sync my Misfit… :) which is really what spurred me to get a new one in the first place. I’ve only had it for a few days, but I’m loving it so far! Reading | Finished A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian by Marina Lewycka. It was a good read… and I love her style of first-person writing; it comes out in a way that you feel like you’re really in the main character’s head (in a different way than normal… I can’t explain it). I would recommend it! Also picked back up Greatness: The 16 Characteristics of True …

Nursing-Friendly Bellevue Modification

One quick addition to the Bellevue fun this week! I used this tutorial to make a nursing friendly version of the top for my sis for her b-day last week and it worked out really well. The accent pieces aren’t supposed to connect at the bottom, but they do because I went a little crazy with my serger so it came together a little tight at the bottom :/ I should have gone back to fix it but I ran out of time :( Might have to steal it back from her at some point… I used the same blue fabric as I did for my third test version of the top. I got this fabric before I had a clue what I was doing with my sewing machine so it’s been sitting around for a few years. Plus I have no idea what it is, but I really like it. If anyone can help me identify this fabric… I will love you forever :) haha… no… seriously tho… It’s lightweight, has a very slight horizontal stretch …

Straight Stitch Designs Bellevue Pattern Testing!

Yay! I tested a pattern! Meet the Bellevue top from Straight Stitch Designs! I made all 3 of these versions from the first draft of the pattern… I guess I was just super excited and started cutting right away. Then Kimberly started putting out updates and by the end it went through a bunch of drafts and I have no doubt the final version is even more wonderful. Even without the changes, though, I had a lot of fun making these and they are all super wearable. Also, I didn’t use my serger on these because I was making them quickly and was too lazy to change the thread :/ but I’ll definitely use it for future versions. Not that you can tell from the outside… but still… I’m starting to get pickier about how my insides look :) Version 1 This one was a fabric mash-up from my stash! Actually, all of the fabrics I used for these tops are from my stash. Now that I don’t live near a fabric store, I’m limited; luckily …

Sunday Sew Love: 15 February

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day yesterday! It was a lazy day for us, and I actually had a nice chunk of sewing time, which was amazing. Then we had a nice romantic dinner – Chinese takeout in front of the TV! This is 29, I suppose. lol So I’ve been feeling the love this week in the sewing world! Here are a few of my favorites: (top/left) navybluethreads Lady in Red | (top/right) Shona Stitches Marlborough Bra (bottom/left) lower your presser foot Vogue 2659 | (bottom/right) Megan Nielsen Design Diary Briar Valentine Strikes Again Until next time,