Month: March 2016

Mesh Cutout Foxglove Tank

Hello hello! So things have been a little busy around here lately and I definitely haven’t been sewing as much as I’d like. I’m coming up on the end of my 3-month fabric fastĀ (not buying any new fabric and only using what I already have in my stash) and I haven’t even used very much because I’ve only made a few things. :/ But what are ya gonna do, right!? :) We’ve been somewhat on the house hunt since we moved, but haven’t found anything interesting come up on the market in the last few months to even go look at. Then last weekend we had a meeting set up to go look at a house that looked good from the pictures (but, as we’ve learned, you can never really tell until you get there!)… a couple days after that we found ourselves in a bidding war… now all the papers are signed and we are in escrow! Crazy! We’re super excited, though… and of course I’m already planning where my new sewing space is …