Month: February 2016

A few things finished in February…

At the beginning of the month, I dug out a bunch of unfinished objects at different stages in hopes that I could finish a few in honor of the February challenge at The Monthly Stitch! And yay… I actually finished a few! First up… The Greenwood Tank was/is my first indie paper pattern! I love pdfs but it was so fun to work with a pre-printed pattern for a change! I got it in one of her Stitch Kits back in September of last year, then did a test run and cut my fabric in October. Then my cut fabric pieces sat there waiting patiently for me… until now! :)    I cut a straight 4. The fit is great, but not perfect. Next time I’ll try grading out a size or two at the hips, and add an inch or two of length depending on my fabric. Overall, though, I love it! It’s a great go-to staple pattern! Plus… how often can you say that you perfectly match your pattern envelope?! :) I just love this art gallery …

Happy Birthday, Sis! (a.k.a. Montlake Tee & Sweater Repair)

My sister’s birthday was a few days ago, so I wanted to share a quick couple of things I finished up for her… First up, my latest take on the Montlake Tee! I used the same fabrics from my last tester version, but added some color blocking because A) I thought it would look cool… and B) I didn’t have enough fabric for sleeves in the main color :/ But I couldn’t resist using up the rest of this fabric because I just love it so much! :D I wanted to print a copy of the final version of the pattern anyway, so before I threw my old one out, I figured I would play around with some color blocking! I chopped a little off of the top of each pattern piece, then taped them together and created a new piece, and added seam allowances to all respective edges…    Then I did this: Ooops… :/ Tried that one again… :) I used this pocket pattern, but cut on the inner edges to make it a little …

An unannounced look into my sewing room…

Warning: This is not a neat and tidy look into my sewing room like last time. No, this is what you may find if you stop by my house unannounced and ask to see the guest room. :/ To be fair… I’d say it’s about 50-50. There’s a 50% chance you will walk in with it looking nice and neat. I feel very uninspired when it’s messy, so I do clean up typically before I start a new project (or if I know I’m going to have visitors). But then there’s the other 50% of the time when you may find it looking something like this… This is what happens when I’m looking for a pattern that I know I have cut out somewhere but can’t find (hint: this particular time I was looking for my Foxglove Tank pattern – previously used here – for my latest project that’s currently hanging there on Charlotte waiting to be photographed). :/ I have “most” of my cut patterns in a binder… but then there is also the stack …