All posts filed under: Holidays

A DIY Star Wars Halloween

Since it’s about to be Halloween again, I figured now is as good a time as any to share our Halloween costumes from last year! ;)     Are they cute, or what?! Right now we’re just thankful for this time while they’re young and still happy to coordinate their costumes. I know it’ll be fun for them to have these memories when they get older – or at least fun for us to have these memories ;) This year, we’re continuing the cousin-coordinating tradition with a Super Mario theme (gaa…)! So when we decided on Star Wars, I was actually pretty excited because I knew I could pull most of the fabric we’d need from my stash. All I ended up ordering was the brown flannel for Obi Wan Kenobi’s robe – which ended up costing me a whopping $1.15 because I found a random gift card from who knows when for Joann’s. I consider that a stashbusting win. :) Obi-Wan For the robe, I used the (free!) Hooded Robe Pattern from Sew Much …

Last Year’s Makes

There’s been a lot going on over the last few months, but I’m excited to finally do a little catch-up and share a few makes from the end of the year on here. Most of my DIY time last year was spent on wedding makes, but I did actually make a few unrelated things in the second half of the year. I shared them here and there on IG, but here’s a round up! First up: Ella Top by Liola Patterns, Julia Cardigan from Mouse House Creations, and Pixie Wallet from Home Row Fiber Co. — I shared these three over on The Monthly Stitch for Indie Pattern Month if you’d like to read more about them. The cardigan has become one of my favorite makes to date. It’s a super lightweight fabric but it was perfect for this double-layer design. I have to admit, I threw it in the wash after the first time wearing it and somehow immediately misplaced it for about 6 months (ha!… it’s not just socks that the laundry elves steal!). But I found it again a month or …

PJ Masks Costumes

My nephew had just woken up from a nap, a groggy little just-turned-2 year old. He walked into the living room, his face brightened up, and he exclaimed “Gekko!” It was my favorite moment from Halloween last year. What he didn’t know when he woke was that his cousins were already in the other room getting into their Halloween costumes. :) Now seems like good a time as any to share these… they were last year’s costumes but it’s almost that time of year again and I’ve been brainstorming lately what to do for this year. PJ Masks were absolutely perfect for them last year… three little ones, two boys, one girl… popular, but not overdone, and they all love the show. Gaaa! And just look at them… how cute are they!? Pattern used: Jalie 3135 Skinsuits I thought about doing leggings and tops, etc. from patterns I already had, but this just seemed to be a better match to the characters. I’ve only used one other Jalie pattern thus far (see here), but I said …

MMM’16 Pledge + a Dressy Talk Blouse for Easter

It’s that time of year again! That time when the online sewing community comes together in a beautiful way to take over the internet with handmade clothing. It’s the time of year that makes my heart smile :) Or, you know… beat faster… maybe… anyway, it’s a fun time, so of course I’m joining in. Here’s my pledge: I, Kyla of and @kylakulaky on IG, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’16. I’m going the traditional route and endeavor to wear one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2016. Let’s get this started! :D  I feel like it’s going to be a bit more challenging than last year because I haven’t added very many items to my wardrobe since then (when I said I would wear each one of my handmade items at least once throughout the month because I didn’t have enough to fill up the month), and I’ve also gotten rid of a few. I might have to get creative and/or repeat a bunch… we shall see. ALSO hoping to get …