All posts tagged: Underwire

Who needs underwire, anyway?

Exhibit A: A week or so ago, I came home to my underwire sticking out of my bra about two inches. It was almost sticking out of the top of my shirt. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration (how low would my shirt have been if it were… phew) but it does make me wonder if anyone else noticed because I sure didn’t. But then I didn’t want to just toss it out (and by “it” in this instance I mean the bra) so I kept wearing it with just the one underwire. Do I fix it? Do I toss it? Do I just take the underwire out of the other side and call it a day? Are my hoarding tendencies coming out in full force here? Possibly. Anyway, so I’m also fighting the need that I have to save every little thing because maybe, just maybe, I’ll reuse or do something with it someday. Hmm… maybe this should have been titled “Confessions of a hoarder trying to simplify her life but she can’t …