All posts tagged: Catboy Costume

PJ Masks Costumes

My nephew had just woken up from a nap, a groggy little just-turned-2 year old. He walked into the living room, his face brightened up, and he exclaimed “Gekko!” It was my favorite moment from Halloween last year. What he didn’t know when he woke was that his cousins were already in the other room getting into their Halloween costumes. :) Now seems like good a time as any to share these… they were last year’s costumes but it’s almost that time of year again and I’ve been brainstorming lately what to do for this year. PJ Masks were absolutely perfect for them last year… three little ones, two boys, one girl… popular, but not overdone, and they all love the show. Gaaa! And just look at them… how cute are they!? Pattern used: Jalie 3135 Skinsuits I thought about doing leggings and tops, etc. from patterns I already had, but this just seemed to be a better match to the characters. I’ve only used one other Jalie pattern thus far (see here), but I said …